Enhancing the Performance of a New Senior Team of a Carveout Financial Services Company

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Client: Financial Services carveout from large US based institution

Services:  Senior team individual development assessment, executive coaching, and team


A larger financial company created a carveout of a division that became a Private Equity backed high growth venture. In the process, the team that spun off with the new company were leaders who had no prior C-suite experience, representing a stretch for every member of the team. In addition, the team was new to one another and were functioning in a highly siloed way. They were challenged to establish a new company, strategy and culture and become a high-performance executive team.


  • Conducted a holistic leadership assessment, incorporating leadership personality and critical thinking assessments, review of critical leadership accomplishments and challenges, and 360 feedback to identify leadership strengths and gaps of each of the new senior team members.
  • Established individual customized leadership development plans based on assessment outcomes and worked against top development priorities.
  • Helped the CEO restructure the team.
  • Coached three critical members of the team over a six-month period, including the CEO.
  • Assessed new members hired into the team to ensure gap coverage in capabilities for the team, alignment with the growth strategy of the company, and fit with the new culture.
  • Chartered the leadership team to ensure alignment around strategy, team purpose, top priorities, and operating norms.


  • Helped the first-time CEO charter the team, set strategy and align the team on expectations.
  • CEO quickly measured the capabilities of the team and made required talent moves.
  • Reduced silos and increased senior team’s direction and alignment on strategic growth priorities and improved their functioning as a team.
  • Created clarity around preferred culture and engagement, including cascading this to other employees and increasing the likelihood of them being a preferred employer.