Bloomberg Live: Boards are on Notice – They Must Get Ready for Change (Opinion)

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Our CEO, Dan Hawkins, partnered with Brett Stephens, CEO of RSR Partners, on an article for Bloomberg Live that discusses some interesting board dynamic predictions for 2021. Both Mr. Hawkins & Mr. Stephens closely counsel top leaders and board members in the U.S., and one of the main discussions they are having right now with CEOs and executive teams are how best to manage the changing dynamics with board members as their companies continue to respond to social issues and economic uncertainty.

In this Bloomberg Live article, Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Stephens say that board expectations are changing rapidly. They are predicting that this year will be high turnover in board composition, and are forecasting that companies will place a much stronger emphasis on building engaged, diverse and transparent boards.

Read more of the two CEO’s predictions for boards in 2021 where it originally appears in Bloomberg Live.